La Salute scende in Piazza
Evento di sensibilizzazione dedicato alla Salute Pubblica
Donation 15/12/2016 0
SISM e SIGM Salerno, ADMO Campania, Croce Rossa Italiana, DONATION Italia, AIDO e FAND vi presentano la I edizione salernitana di "la Salute scende in piazza".
La Salute Scende in Piazza è un evento di promozione della Salute Pubblica, in cui Studenti in Medicina e Giovani Medici, con il supporto delle associazioni e degli enti locali di promozione della salute, scendono in piazza con l'obiettivo di porre l'attenzione delle persone sulla propria salute.
L'evento è totalmente gratuito.
Si terrà nei giorni 22-23-24 Aprile; dalle ore 15 del 22 alle ore 15.00 del 24, presso piazza Cavour, sul lungomare di Salerno.
L'evento consiste in:
- Screening per Diabete e Ipertensione arteriosa.
- Sensibilizzazione sulle tematiche della donazione di midollo osseo e degli organi.
- Corsi di Disostruzione Pediatrica e Rianimazione Cardio-Polmonare.
- Ospedale dei Pupazzi: i pupazzologi si prenderanno cura dei pupazzi dei vostri bambini. L'iniziativa mira a ridurre la paura dei bambini nei confronti dell'ospedalizzazione e nei confronti del camice bianco.
- Concerto Live degli Stop Emotion sul tema della salute mentale e dell'integrazione.
Durante tutta la durata dell'evento sarà possibile prelevare campioni di saliva per determinare il vostro HLA nel caso aspiraste a diventare donatori di midollo osseo.
Interverranno inoltre i ricercatori di GIOVET veterinaria, che presenteranno i risultati dei loro studi sulle aziende della cosiddetta "terra dei fuochi"; prima dell'intervento, gli studenti in medicina analizzeranno gli stili di vita dei partecipanti individuandone i maggiori fattori di rischio.
L'associazione Ostetriche parlerà dell'importanza del parto naturale e dell'allattamento al seno, mentre gli studenti in medicina parleranno dei rischi legati ai rapporti sessuali non protetti (virus HPV, HIV ed MST)
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“Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world […] All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights […] everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person… all are equal before the law.”
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"Arriva la Befana, un giocattolo in Pediatria"
Sabato 7 Gennaio 2023, si è celebrata la campagna di volontariato e solidarietà per donare giocattoli ai reparti di Pediatria e Chirurgia Pediatrica dell'A.O.U. "San Giovanni di Dio e Ruggi D'Aragona" di Salerno.
Anche quest'anno Donation Italia si è resa protagonista nel promuove una “rete di solidarietà” coinvolgendo l’intera provincia di Salerno con l’ausilio di Forum dei Giovani, Associazioni giovanili e culturali, sindacati e imprese.
Lo scopo dell'iniziativa è stato quello di portare allegria e conforto ai più piccoli, offrendo loro doni per festeggiare l'arrivo della Befana. Si ringraziano le tante realtà aderenti e tutti i volontari i quali hanno reso possibile la giornata.
Ringraziamo il fotografo salernitano Renzo Raviello per il servizio offerto.
Luigi Bisogno 13/02/2023
Today, I want to share with you the most important piece of my puzzle.
On February 12th I was invited by The International Community NGO [ ] - as ICMUN Security Council 2023 online conference Closing Ceremony Guest speaker - to talk about that part of my story which has led me to dedicate much of my energy to advocate for certain social issues today.
Well, since I daily receive beautiful words from people who would like to know more about me and my story thus far, I am going to share even here the same thoughts I had the chance to do yesterday, on occasion of the aforementioned event.
“The Warrior of the Light is a believer. Because he believes in miracles, miracles begin to happen. Because he is sure that his thoughts can change his life, his life begins to change. Because he is certain that he will find love, love appears”, states the world-famous book of Paulo Coelho, entitled “The Warrior of the Light”.
The famed writer talks about a world where each of us is able to live their dreams, embracing the uncertainty of life and rising to meet our own special and unique destiny.
I started with this literary reference because - besides the fact that I am made for 55% by philosophy and not by water - my dreams began exactly with that book in my hands, while I was walking in an anonymous street of the town of Kolkata, six years ago - in July 2017.
I am daily asked how I managed to reach particular achievements so far or how I cope with conserving the necessary willingness to stand up for the issues and causes I believe in, before a social reality which constantly overwhelms us with news describing a world which is drifting ... Well, the reality is that there is no secret; there is no day during which I do not wonder if I am raising the voice in the way I am supposed to in order to concretely contribute to the change I dream about; in which I do not live ups and downs; in which I do not feel insecure or I do not struggle with my bottled-up emotions, feelings, frustrations; in which I do not feel uncomfortable in particular situations but I smile pretending to feel at my ease.
Equally, whether this is true, it is also - deeply - true that there is no instant in which I forget that happiness is homemade; in which I do not repeat myself that - as my parents have always kept telling me since I was a little girl - there is always blessing in disguise and when we can’t see the beauty in something or someone, the reason is only that we are not looking properly into it because beauty is literally everywhere.
Coming back to my transformative travel, India has precisely been that place on earth where I realized that it is not a merit of mine, I have simply been blessed by life and, likewise, all these children who were living - and currently live - on Indian streets have nothing to do with their extremely painful life circumstances. The moment I realized this last thought, it was the second when Coelho’s words hit me so hard and where I got a new pair of glasses which I don't want to take off anymore.
I believe that the reason for which those smiles, 9.230,06 km away from here, completely changed my path is the same that Nadia Murat affirmed at UN General Assembly opening Session, on September 19th, 2019: “If beheadings, enslaved women, raped children and millions of people on the run don’t affect you, what could do it?”. According to me, literally NOTHING could hit worse than witnessing such human grief.
In the end, I guess I always feel anything but an immense Gratitude for all what Life has given to me because if I do not share my luck with others; if I do not advocate for the cause of another; if I do not do my part for changing things I complain about; If I am not the change I wish to see in the world - by quoting a famous Gandhi’s line -; I could not definitely think about telling my grandchildren - one day down the road - stories and experiences concerning a ‘full and deep life’.
Since we all get one shot to be who we are on this crazy ride called Life, I learned to stop waiting for a utopian idea of happiness because the best people - and opportunities - come unexpectedly. Maybe it’s my only secret.
So, to conclude and to answer to all those ones who spend a few of their time to write me sweet words - and who I want to thank wholeheartedly, one more time -, I want to say that there is no trick to reach rainbow without passing through the storm but the view always worth the sacrifice so I want to wish to all of us to never give up on ourselves and to continue to keep looking because there is always a way, it might take a while but all the most beautiful things in life need time, don’t they?
Maria Sara Neri